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Bio Collector’s nominated for MRW Circular Economy Award 2021

Bio Collector’s Shortlised

Bio Collectors have once again been shortlisted for a prestigious award at this years MRW National Recycling Awards in London, thanks to our industry leading, food waste derived CNG conversion project.

The Circular Economy Initiative award recognises an exceptional initiative by an organisation that has embedded the circular economy principles of designing out waste, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. Winning projects will have reduced waste, had a positive environmental and business impact and be an inspiration for others.

The CNG fleet conversion project, begun in 2019, has been an unrivaled success and grown significantly since its initial roll out. Replacing the need for polluting fossil fuels and starting with a single, custom CNG collection vehicle, powered using the biogas produced from recycling food waste, Bio Collectors now has 12 sustainably powered, ULEZ compliant collection vehicles spanning a range of capabilities and sizes, with more due to follow. By collecting and recycling food waste, using the power generated from food waste, Bio Collectors have demonstrated a near perfect circular economy in action whilst simultaneously slashing fossil fuel use and it’s associated pollution from the business.

Providing sustainable, industry leading services and making to most of the food waste we process is at the very heart of Bio Collector’s mission and we are very grateful to the MRW National Recycling Awards for recognising our ongoing efforts to create a truly circular economy for the UK’s food waste.

To learn more about what we do, please visit our website or follow us online:
Twitter: @Biocollectors

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